Accept yourself completely. Accept your body. Accept your limitations. Accept your possibilities.
Our life is the greatest of all mysteries, which is often very difficult to understand. We are ready to do a lot to make our path more peaceful and healthy.
And all would be fine if it were not for one problem - the desire for self-improvement has already occupied the minds of mankind for so long that there are so many materials and manuals promising help that it is easy to become lost without reaching the goal.
That is why I decided to simplify my life a little bit by choosing 5 simple but important words, and giving myself a promise to remember them every day of my life. 1. Reciprocity There are probably people in your life who don’t even think about how to treat you with dignity, although you did not give them any reason to treat you badly. Or friends who do not consider it necessary to make at least some effort to maintain the friendship with you. Or relatives who do not respect you at all, but believe that you should automatically show respect for them simply because you are relatives. Or even romantic partners who do not want to to try better for the sake of your relationship. Yes, of course, I know that the philosophy in the style of “Do good to people without expecting anything in return” has been very popular lately, but it does not help to teach others to treat you the way you deserve or the way you would like to be treated. Treating other people with kindness can be very pleasant, and it does not matter who the person is - a colleague, a casual person on the street or a homeless person. But if there is someone in your circle of friends who constantly takes your kindness for granted or pretends that he or she doesn’t care if you are in his life or not, you should leave that person and try to find someone better for yourself. Your energy will be spent with much more sense if you share it with those who are really interested in creating mutually beneficial relationships. And it will also help to eliminate negative thoughts such as "I am not enough" and "I deserve to be treated in such a way."
Do not keep in your life those who are not ready to return the love, energy and efforts you bestow on them.
But at the same time always appreciate generosity and care, especially from those who do not expect anything in return. Show that you value what they do, and try to return the same on an occasion - to the best of your ability. 2. Restart Often, when we make a mistake or find ourselves in a difficult situation, dark thoughts creep into our heads that nothing will work out, so we feel like we must give up, abandon our dreams and move forward, so as not to experience this feeling of hopelessness and fear of mistakes again. It is worth remembering that we always have a choice - we can always start all over again. You always have the opportunity to learn, develop, forgive and change for the better. 3. Acceptance Regarding this, most gurus and philosophers are absolutely right - acceptance is indeed the key to a happier life. Accept yourself completely. Accept your body. Accept your limitations. Accept your possibilities. The sooner you stop trying to change yourself in order to meet the standards of society and other people, the sooner you will begin to recognize yourself for real. With acceptance comes the ability to really take control of your life ... So in a sense, you should also accept how other people perceive you. Indeed, in most cases, you cannot influence it in any way, and you should not try to. Many people feel a strong desire to be loved and appreciated, but often, no matter what you do and no matter how you try to gain someone else's respect, they stubbornly cling to the initial opinion of you. And this opinion in many cases turns out to be so negative that we want by all means to convince them of the opposite. But why? I'm serious, why do you need this? Relieve yourself of this burden. Stop thinking that the opinions of others about you matter. 4. Life Death is probably one of mankind's greatest fears. The fear of death has so engulfed our collective unconscious that we almost never talk about it, pretending instead that the inevitable ending will never happen. However, if you reconsider your views on death, this, oddly enough, can significantly improve your life. As soon as you fully realize that sooner or later we will all die, this awareness will help you get rid of some stupid social norms. Wear the clothes what you want, experiment with makeup, if you want, set your selfies online - in clothes or without it... Yes, do what you want! Someone may say that the girls should not be cursing like a drunken sailor, or that your favorite purple lipstick looks just awful, or that, say, you are too sarcastic ... And let them say it. Who cares? By doing so, you do no harm to anyone, and future generations will absolutely not care what you did two or three generations ago. Live your life the way you really want it. 5. Healing None of us is perfect. Each of us has our own faults that we need to work hard on, heal, and eventually leave behind. Unfortunately, we cannot heal our wounds simply by waving our arms and muttering a spell. It doesn’t work like that.
You will have not only good days, but also bad ones. And, perhaps, these bad days will one day make you believe that you were not able to heal your own soul. But do not despair, healing is not a straight line. This is a decision made to come to terms with ourselves, and sometimes in order to take a step forward, you first need to take a half step back.
Do not punish yourself for occasionally stumbling and falling face down into the mud. When this happens again (and it will happen), just give yourself more time to get up, shake off and gather strength. After that, continue to work to become better and surpass your weaknesses. Never believe that you are unworthy for falling down, getting up and having to fight for yourself.
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June 2021