We all worry a lot. This is inherent in us by nature. But what if annoying thoughts keep you awake or rob you of your peace? Do you really have to "make an an elephant out of every fly"? We can study and understand this problem at the subconscious level.
What is inner negativity and where does it come from?
Even if you are an optimist in life and your glass is always half full rather than empty, there is still no way to hide from negative thoughts and emotions. There are several reasons for this:
The brain aims to focus on the negative. According to the research done by psychologist and Ph.D. Rick Hanson, the action takes place at a physiological level: 2/3 of the neurons in our amygdala catch signals of danger and anxiety, and only 1/3 - joy and positive. This is not our fault, rather, it has to do with evolution. In ancient times, it was more important for a person to survive than to enjoy life, and although in modern times everything is quite the opposite, the brain continues to perform in the same way, trying to protect us from all kinds of threats. The negative is automatically "recorded" in the subconscious. The human brain perceives bad information faster and remembers it for a long time. Thus, this “garbage” has been accumulating inside of us for years in the form of imposed thoughts of other people, attitudes of society, anxieties and fears broadcast by TV programs, emergencies, daily news releases and newspaper reports. In addition, negativity also enters the human space in the form of resentment, hatred, condemnation and envy and ill-wishers. So it turns out that living in the modern world, we cannot completely isolate ourselves from the negative. How negativity can change a person's life Everything has its limits. If a person constantly accumulates negativity, be it chronic stress, suppressed feelings and emotions, obsessive thoughts and fears, sooner or later the psyche ceases to cope with it. This often translates into oncological and autoimmune diseases, that is, diseases that can radically change a person and his life. This is exactly what the subconscious is trying to achieve: to show us that we need to change something in ourselves, in our attitude to people or in the perception of the world, but not everyone picks up the signals. Many simply remove the tumor or eliminate other external manifestations of the disease, ignoring its root cause, and continue to live like before. In this case, health problems usually return.
Practical example: A middle-aged man wanted to get rid of panic attacks, fears, prolonged depression and return to the full life that he had lead many years ago.
After the first conversation, it turned out that the man had been trying to seem like a calm, balanced and peaceful person, good and comfortable for everyone, although, in essence, he was not like that. Rather, anger, rage, irritation regularly rose in him, he was suppressing so much negativity. He soon learned about his stomach ulcer. After 5 years, the disease was cured, but less than a year later, a new attack on his health - a brain tumor. Only after the operation, the man realized that it was impossible to continue living like this and turned to psychotherapy for help. Here are just the consequences of what he experienced to this day. Of course, this does not mean that we will all drown in negativity and get sick. However, in order for different techniques of positive thinking to work, a person needs to make a lot of effort. Is it possible to rid yourself of negative thoughts completely? Not really. The materialization of thoughts is not a magic wand: it has to do with energy. If a person constantly focuses on the negative, then the subconscious mind will attract this into his life. And vice versa! Therefore, it is better to deal with bad thoughts at the level of negative and positive thinking. Evolutionarily, most of the neurons in our brain are designed to focus on the negative, but neurons have plasticity and are able to create new neural connections. So why not take advantage of this to "jump into" positive thinking? For example, when we learn to ride a bike or play an instrument, we exercise a lot and we do it regularly. During the learning process, the very new connections are formed in the brain. It is the same with positive thinking. If you constantly focus on the positive, then over time, you can notice pleasant changes both in the internal state and in real life. You will definitely get happier. At the same time, neural connections that were not in demand for a long time are deactivated. It's like with a foreign language, without practice everything is forgotten very quickly. And thus, we switch our attention from negative to positive.
How to use negativity to your advantage?
6 techniques to help get rid of disturbing thoughts Negativity, like everything in this world, is energy, and a very strong one. And in order to turn it in your advantage, you need to transform the negative and turn it into positive direction: for the benefit of yourself, others and the world. What is important:
Here are some simple techniques that can help you get rid of anxious thoughts and find your harmony again. Meditation Even doctors recognize the benefits of meditation, using it in complex therapies in the fight against depression. You don't have to be a yoga, qigong, or tai chi guru to practice meditation. All you need is to sit alone in silence and listen to yourself from within. Self talk Sit comfortably, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Without opening your eyes, ask your inner “I” a few questions: “What's wrong?”, “What are you afraid of?”, “Are you really anxious / scared?”. And the most important question: “Is this my feeling? Or does it really belong to someone and has nothing to do with me? " If the conversation didn't work out the first time, don't despair! Try again and be sure that your subconscious mind will definitely give you an answer. Write a letter Take a blank sheet of paper and put down on it everything that worries you at this very moment. Do not stop, do not think, do not try to formulate your thoughts competently and beautifully - just keep on writing what you are feeling at this moment. Line by line, and you will feel that breathing has become easier, and your chest is no longer squeezed by feelings. When you realize that you have transferred all the negativity to paper, re-read what you have written, add something if you wish, and burn the sheets, flushing the ashes down the toilet.
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